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2010. június 26., szombat

The University of Texas at Austin - Online Latin

Latin Online

Table of Contents

Winfred P. Lehmann and Jonathan Slocum

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Grammar Points
1. Latin, a Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) Language.
2. Modifications of the basic sentence pattern, with non-finite forms making up the verbs in clauses.
3. Noun inflection.
4. Verb inflection.
5. The phonological system.
6. Historical Present.
7. The subjunctive.
8. The third declension of nouns.
9. The perfect forms of verbs.
10. Prepositions.
11. Deponents.
12. The Passive.
13. The Fourth and Fifth Declensions of Nouns.
14. The Imperfect, Indicative, and Subjunctive.
15. Conjunctions.
16. Relative Clauses.
17. Adjectives and their Comparison.
18. More Nouns in the Third Declension.
19. Verb Forms of sum.
20. Adverbs.
21. Personal and Reflexive Pronouns.
22. Descriptive Pronouns.
23. The Intensive Pronoun ipse 'self'.
24. The Relative Pronoun qui 'who'.
25. The Interrogative and Indefinite Pronouns.
26. The importance of verb forms.
27. The Present Tense forms of the first conjugation verb dōnō, and the first singular forms of the three other conjugations.
28. The Imperfect Tense forms of the first conjugation verb dōnō, and the first singular forms of the three other conjugations.
29. The Forms of the Future. Note that there is no subjunctive.
30. The forms of the Imperative, the Present Infinitive, and the Present and Future Participles.
31. The Perfect System.
32. The Perfect Tense forms of the first conjugation verb dono and the first singular forms of the three other conjugations.
33. The Pluperfect Tense forms of the first conjugation verb dōnō, and the first singular forms of the three other conjugations.
34. The Future Perfect Tense forms of the first conjugation verb dono, and the first singular forms of the three other conjugations.
35. The forms of the Perfect Infinitive and Participle, with a brief statement on irregular conjugations.
36. The Declension of Substantives.
37. Substantives with Inflections of the First and Second Declensions.
38. Substantives with Inflections of the Third Declension.
39. Comparison of Adjectives.
40. Formation of Adverbs.
41. Simple Sentences.
42. Complex Sentences.
43. The Use of Infinitives.
44. Uses of Participles.
45. Lengthy Sentences.
46. Texts.
47. Grammars.
48. Dictionaries.
49. Specialized handbooks.
50. The Legacy of the Roman World.

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